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  • Some examples of copywriting, advertorial and other corporate work. More samples can be forwarded on request.

    Do's and Don'ts of Spreadbetting
    (VLM Velocity promotion for MF Global Spreads, 2007). MF Global Spreads guides us through some fundamental strategies in order to minimise your risks - and increase your form when spreadbetting. Click here to view.

    Business Brain
    (Chief Executive Officer, 2007). Jean-François Chanlat explains to Barry Mansfield how the dented prestige of the MBA can be restored by training candidates with practical experience in social sciences, language skills and a collective approach to decision-making. Click here to view.

    Net Gain
    (Chief Executive Officer, 2007). Businesses have been seeking an integrated communication platform and database for company information for some time to help them gain a competitive advantage. Ernie Riddle tells Barry Mansfield that it has finally arrived. Click here to view.

    SkillSoft: The Learning Curve
    (Chief Executive Officer, 2007). Learning in the workplace is becoming more informal - employees in the office will seek information from colleagues or their favourite internet search engine, as and when they need it. Kevin Young tells Barry Mansfield how learning specialists are adapting to this change in behaviour. Click here to view.

    Examples of case study projects undertaken for corporate clients, including interviews, drafting process and final article. More samples can be forwarded on request. They cannot all be displayed here due to clearance issues.

    Weston College Customer Case Study
    (Websense), 2006. Weston College deploys Websense to protect student records and guard against Internet threats. Click here to view.